Magazine Articles
Writing the Modern Picture Book Biography
Bring fascinating people from the past and present to life by being part of this wildly inventive category.
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Wonderfully organized presentation.
Extremely informative, especially how modern biographies differ from a generation or more ago.
Sherry W.
Writing Nonfiction for the School & Library Market
Want to write books for a truly book-hungry audience? Write for the school and library market! Here's how...
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Well organized and full of resources for nonfiction authors.
Thank you all this up-to-date information told in a fast paced, articulate presentation.
Virginia M.
Writing Historical Fiction
Set your story any time, any place with these powerful techniques for creating historical fiction.
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Absolutely an amazing presentation on my favorite genre.
Sandra J.
Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction
Sci-fi and fantasy are two genres that will always be in demand.
In this powerful teaching session, bestselling author Arthur Slade, renowned for his wildly imaginative bestselling novels, will teach you exactly what you need to be a part of this massive market by writing amazing fantasy & science fiction!
Writing Creative Nonfiction Picture Books with Laura Backes
Watch the Full Workshop Download the Workshop Handouts & Slides
Writing Creative Nonfiction Picture Books
Become part of a fast-growing and rewarding category!
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I never thought I would write nonfiction.
But this workshop has helped me organize my thoughts and has given me a starting point.
Thank you! I'm so glad I signed up!
Writing Children’s Nonfiction: The Beginner’s Guide
Yes, you can write nonfiction for children! This workshop will put you on a direct path to a rewarding career.
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A timely "get it done" presentation from a master.
Lionel answered questions I didn't even know I had! Thank you!
Dorie K.
Write Picture Books that Change Lives w/the Magic of SEL
A NY Times Bestselling Author Guides You Through the Exciting New World of SEL Picture Books!
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This was absolutely the best learning session I've ever attended.
I now have the seeds to at least a dozen or more SEL PBs. Thank you for that wonderful gift. I'm a fan for life.
Carol H.