Middle Grade & Young Adult
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Middle Grade / Young Adult Blueprint
An acclaimed author guides you to a completed YA/Middle Grade novel of your own!
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You do not know how long I have been waiting for this.
With my Writing Blueprint I am confident that I will be able to finish my book.
I am literally in tears and can barely see the keyboard. Thanks and love to you all.
Mark S.
The Magic Portal to Great Writing – The Mentor Text Workshop
The art of reading, analyzing and extracting writing insight from great books is a crucial skill that every writer must have. Here's how to do it - the right way!
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This was AMAZING.
SOOO helpful. Thank you!
Vivian I.
How to Generate Amazing Story Ideas
Having trouble coming up with good ideas for stories? Not after watching this innovative workshop!
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Ingenious and inspiring. I am already brimming with new ideas!
This was exactly the creative boost I needed. Thanks!
Robyn D.
Secrets of Writing a Page-Turner
Are your stories just blah? Learn the crucial technique of Narrative Tension and start writing page-turners today!
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Lola, you were mesmerizing.
Your teaching was rich. If I can apply even a little of this, I will be thrilled. Thank you sooooo much for sharing.
Katherine P.
No Conflict, No Story
A story without conflict isn't really a story - it's just a procession of events. Here's how to build page-turning excitement by creating the right kind of conflict your story needs.
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This was absolutely incredible!
Totally invaluable. Changes my writing in the best ways!
Julia B.
10 Mistakes That Get Kidlit Manuscripts Rejected & How to Avoid Them
Can one little mistake ruin your chances of getting published? Indeed it can. Here's how to avoid the problems that commonly trip up writers seeking a book contract.
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This was magnificent. I learned so much! - Kimberly B.
This was one of the best workshops I've attended. Deborah navigates the world of queries and the pitfalls we can now avoid. - Tracy
Thank you Deborah! I thought that I was ready to submit my manuscript, but now I know how to be ready! - Debra P.
The Transformative Power of Outlining
Learn the easy way to use a crucial technique that creates strong stories.
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Mind-bogglingly brilliant.
Sheila M.
Mastering the 5 Kidlit Story Endings
How do your readers feel after finishing your stories? If they aren't raving, you need a stronger ending. Here's how to finish your stories in style.
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WOW! Life-changing for this writer!
Thank you! I'm so glad I signed up!
Maureen H.
Mastering the 6 Modes of Narration
Learn the Secret Used By Top Authors to Create Excitement, Movement & Flow.
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This was a SPECTACULAR lesson.
Thank you SO much. Extremely helpful. I will be re-watching multiple times, so that this bakes into my DNA!
Vivianne L.